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International Scouting

SISEP 2020/2021 Applications Opening Soon

An international exchange through Scouting is another way you can experience Scouting overseas. Applications for 2020/2021 are opening soon.


We have just welcomed back 13 Venturer Scouts from their Scout International Student Exchange Program (SISEP) adventures. One group experienced Scouting and school by being hosted by Scout families in Japan, whilst the other group went to Denmark and then had a short experience in London hosted by some UK Scouts. The next National News will have some summaries of their experiences.

If this sounds like something you would like to do, applications for the 2020/2021 Program will open soon via the Online Registrations Portal. In the meantime, there is more information available on our website. Your Branch SISEP Coordinator or the National SISEP Coordinator may also assist. The National Coordinator will also be able to add interested youth members to a mailing list to advise when applications open.