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Scouts Australia’s ongoing success is due to enthusiastic and committed adult volunteers from all walks of life who love adventure and take great pride in encouraging our young Aussies to reach their full potential.

Within the State Branches of Scouts Australia, thousands of volunteer Branch and Section Commissioners, Leaders and supporters work at ground level every day to build Scouting in Australia. At National level, the National Council and the National Executive Committee – also volunteers – work to govern and manage Scouts Australia as a whole. These volunteers have the support of professional staff members at the National and Branch offices.


Councils and Committees

National Council

The National Council is the governing body of the Scout Association of Australia, and is appointed pursuant to the provisions of its Royal Charter.

National Executive Committee

Scouts Australia is managed by a National Executive Committee. A body of volunteers, the Committee is made up of Chief Commissioners and Chairpersons from each State Branch as well as the Chief Commissioner of Australia, National Chairman and Honorary Treasurer. The National Executive Committee also includes the International Commissioner, the National Commissioner for Youth Program, the National Commissioner for Adult Training and Development, and two young people under 26 years of age (currently the National Commissioner Youth Empowerment and the Chair National Rover Council).

National Operations Committee

Chief Commissioners from each Branch and the National Team of Commissioners make up the National Operations Committee which makes decisions regarding the Scout Program and other National operational matters.

National Appointments

The National Team is made of a number of dedicated volunteers who oversee and guide the direction of National Scouting.  It is headed by the Chief Commissioner of Australia.

National Rover Council

The National Rover Council develops strategic plans for the Rover Scout Section with a  National focus in mind. They liaise with the Branch Rover Scout Council Chairs and the Branch Commissioners/Advisors for Rovers in each state to help them with issues and ideas.   The Chair of the National Rover Council is a member of the National Team and represents Rover Scouts on the National Team, Operations and National Executive Committees.

Societies and Associations

Lord Baden-Powell Society

The Lord Baden-Powell Society is a donor Society for Scouts Australia, supporting Scouting in Australia, and assisting young people to attend Jamborees and other events.

Australian Queen’s Scout Association

The Australian Queen’s Scout Association (AQSA) is a fellowship of men and women who have been awarded the Queen’s Scout Badge or its predecessor, the King’s Scout Badge.