What happens when a global pandemic limits face-to-face interaction? The Scouting community, globally, turns to Scouting at home.
Here at Scouts Australia, we have compiled a range of programs and resources to support Scouting as we work through the different phases of community and social distancing, and self-isolation.
With many of us confined to our houses and living accommodation, what better time to start getting our Joey Scouts involved in helping around the home. This challenge, submitted by 1st Cranbourne Joey Scouts, Victoria, asks Joey Scouts to complete tasks in four different parts of their houses.
What other tasks can our Scouts be completing to help around the home? Maybe you would like to challenge your youth members to do something similar!
Scouts Queensland is challenging Joey Scouts to think and plan how they could be helping other people during these interesting times. How is it that you could make a difference to other people? Is it talking with a neighbour, cooking some food for others, helping around the home, or planning something bigger, better (and maybe crazier) for when Scouting and school returns?
Whilst this might have been originally targeted at Joey Scouts, there is nothing stopping older youth members equally taking on the challenge of helping others, making a difference, and working as Messengers of Peace to create a better world!