Become a Member of the Lord Baden-Powell Society

Thank you for choosing to become a member of the Lord Baden-Powell Society!
As the leading youth organisation in the world, the Scout movement is meeting the needs of our young people – and is providing the youth of Australia with a sense of direction and purpose.
With your financial support the Society can assist more young Australians to experience Scouting and benefit from the character building, responsibility and self reliance that the Scout method offers.
Your gift of membership enables the Lord Baden-Powell Society to:
- Strengthen the Scouts Australia program which prepares children and young adults for life;
- Enable disadvantaged children to experience the life-changing benefits of Scouting;
- Provide equipment, camp-sites and activity bases;
- Support youth activities such as Cuborees, Jamborees and Ventures;
- Assisting children and young adults to realise their full potential;
- Help to create upstanding citizens and the leaders of tomorrow.
Four membership options are available and membership can be upgraded at anytime. All donations to the Scout Association of Australia Lord Baden-Powell Society are fully tax deductible.
If you would like to pay your annual membership or if you would rather consider a monthly payment option, click here to download a membership form (PDF) which can be completed and returned to us by email, fax or mail.
Telephone: 02 8440 5908
Fax: 02 9413 1177
Mail: PO Box 5079 CHATSWOOD NSW 2067