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Achieving The

Adventure Begins Rings

How You Can Collect Them All

Have you started on your The Adventure Begins journey yet? There are eight Scarf rings for your Section to achieve to mark your progress along the journey!


Around Australia, white rings are being placed on scarves to celebrate the start of The Adventure Begins! These rings mark the beginning of an exciting chance to rejuvenate the way we deliver Scouting, and to ensure our programs are true to Scouting’s core values. Are you ready to jump on board as we focus on the fundamentals of Scouting and prepare to launch a new youth program next year?

The Adventure Begins is a Section based challenge. Therefore, the first step is to give responsibility to the Section Council to guide their Section through this adventure. For each element of The Adventure Begins, there is a series of targets for the Section to achieve. Once the Section Council determines that an element has been successfully achieved, the relevant scarf ring can be purchased to celebrate.


Empowering your Unit for the Adventure

The youth program is fundamental to the success of the Section. The program must reflect the interests, goals and inspirations of the young people who participate. Therefore, we must involve young people in every stage of the planning and reviewing of their program to ensure it remains relevant.

The Section Council is an essential way for young people to be engaged and provide input into their program in an age-appropriate manner. Section Councils are essential for Scouts to perform checks and balances on the level of engagement, control and direction they have in the program and Section overall. Section Councils should occur at least once per term, and support from Leaders and mentors is required to set the Section Council up for success. For tips on how to empower the Section Council on this journey, download our resources and factsheets here.

Some Branches of Scouts Australia have provided complimentary white scarf rings to members to celebrate the start of the journey. Check in with your Group Leader or Branch to find out. Alternatively, all Scarf Rings can be purchased online from The Scout Shop.