Joshua’s adventure to AV2018 was supported by the Lord Baden-Powell Society, and here he provides a quick update on the fun and opportunities that he experienced.
During Australian Venture 2018, I shared lots of great experiences with old, and new friends from around Australia.
My highlights were definitely meeting with the people that I was going to spend five days with on an island, learning about their backgrounds, and sharing a little information about myself. On top of this, friendships were strengthened when we returned from our expeditions and completed onsite activities.
By far my favourite activity was the ‘crate stacking’ because one other person (that I’d met during the onsite ‘get wet’ activity) and myself, decided to give it a shot. We wanted to see how high we’d get and ended up breaking the record for AV2018 with an 18 high stack, even if it meant I tore my shorts in the process!
The concerts were also a great experience, along with the activities they had during the evening. My favourite concert was the Aussie Rock Concert on the last night because it was insane, and almost everyone was there. The food they served us during the event was great and no one went hungry. All in all, it was a wonderful time and if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat.
I would like to thank the Lord Baden-Powell Society for providing the opportunity to attend the Australian Venture 2018. Furthermore, thanks to all the wonderful Society Members who donate every year to allow young people such as myself to attend these wonderful major events organised by Scouts.