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Evolving our Educational Proposal

Articulating Scouting to Members and the Community

This time two years ago, Scouts Australia released its first Educational Proposal. Now, following further socialisation and feedback, Version 2 has been published.


Worldwide, Scouting is an educational movement of young people, supported by adults. The Educational Proposal enables Scouts Australia to explain to the Australian community how the Youth Program meets the developmental needs of young people in Australian society, in accordance with the Purpose, Principles and Method of the Movement, and in line with the Mission of Scouting.

The Proposal describes how our non-formal education method, the Scout Method, is complementary to formal education. And, it sets the scene for the context in which we operate, including describing the needs, desires, opportunities, and challenges for building young Australians into active citizens.

The audience for this document is mainly an external one. Elements might be used to support proposals to external bodies, such as governments and businesses, or for organisations we are looking to partner with.

It also acts as a reference document for adult training, particularly as new adults are recruited into Scouting roles. It is important that all adults understand the importance of offering an attractive program, and be committed to a style of educational relationship based on the Scout Method.

This is the second edition of the document, and is revised based on the feedback from members on the first edition, and from new emerging data about the needs of young people and Australian society. We thank everyone who sent through their feedback over the past two years.

To let us know your thoughts on this document, send an email to yp.review@scouts.com.au. We’re expecting to continue updating this documents as society and the Scouting program continues it’s implementation journey.