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Launching The New Youth Program

Experience The National Program Space at AJ2019

If you’re heading to AJ2019, be sure to drop by the National Program Space where we’ll be celebrating the launch of our New Youth Program! It’s a space that will excite, educate and engage.

Located centrally in the Allawah Mall, the National Program Space will be a hive of activity throughout AJ2019 as we share the future of Scouting.

You’ll enter a place of excitement. A hub of activity and discussion.

Your senses will be stimulated. Sounds, visuals, smells and touch.

Experience Virtual Reality. Our Secret Room. Competitions. DJ’s and more.

Come for the excitement. Stay for the experience.

Your thoughts might be challenged. But you’ll leave inspired for the future of Scouting.

Drop by during the day. Or plan a visit during our open evenings. We’ll be hosting presentations, TEDx Talks, and special functions throughout the Jamboree.

Not at the Jamboree to join in on the excitement? We’ll be bringing the action to you via our social media channels.