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International Women’s Day

Aline Thompson – VIC

For International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the stories of women in Scouting and the contribution they make to our movement. Aline Thompson is one.



State Commissioner Heritage – Acting


Cub Scout Leader, Venturer Leader, Leader Trainer

What Brought You Into Scouting?

My father was a Scout leader from before I was born and I grew up wanting to be a part of Scouting – especially as I had two brothers also in Scouting.

What Keeps You In Scouting?

The Purpose and Principles of the Movement and the friends I make along the way.

What’s the best thing you’ve done in Scouting?

Seeing young people grow and develop under these methods into very worthwhile citizens.

Would you recommend Scouting to other women and why?

I would definitely recommend Scouting to other women as I believe that the Scouting way compliments women’s roles in society and can give a further sense of fulfilment.

What do you think is the most important thing that women can bring to Scouting?

Their sense of ‘family’ within the broadest sense and can provide a more balanced approach to living.

What do you do in life outside of Scouting?

Outside of Scouting, I am involved in various groups. Craft including Card making, scrap booking, quilting; Historical Society in country area and keeping up with a large family.

Who is your female ‘hero’?

I have no particular hero but admire the perseverance of the early female Scouters who paved the way for those that came along later.

Do you have any other ‘heroes’?

Female ancestors who have had to struggle to keep the family together in some difficult circumstances.

Do you have a personal philosophy that motivates you?

My personal philosophy is to keep going no matter how tough the going gets – especially in something that I believe strongly about.