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International Women’s Day

Jazz Zibell – VIC

For International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the stories of women in Scouting and the contribution they make to our movement. Jazz Zibell is one.



Assistant Joey Scout Leader


Victorian Rover Council Chairman, Deputy Chairman of VRC, The Moot Chief for The Moot 2017, Bays Region Chairman, Crew Leader of Kurll’s Own Rover Crew, assisting on many subcommittees of the Victorian Rover Council.

What Brought You Into Scouting?

My Sister was a Cub Scout and I needed to do some volunteering for my Duke of Edinburgh Award so I became a Venturer Scout helper in 2007. I have never left.

What Keeps You In Scouting?

The diverse opportunities you have just by being a member of Scouts and the people you meet along the way. Most of the people I have surrounded myself with I have met through Scouting or a connection through Scouting.

What’s the best thing you’ve done in Scouting?

Honestly, doing anything and everything I could as a Rover Scout. Joining committees and attending events, I have made life-long friends and made memories doing some great things that I will never forget.

Would you recommend Scouting to other women and why?

I would recommend joining the Scouting movement to anyone. I would encourage all women in the Rover Scout Section and Leaders to encourage and empower other females to pursue leadership roles. Scouting gives you the ability to grow as a person and a leader. I have learnt so many valuable skills that assist me in my everyday life that becomes just part of you.

What do you think is the most important thing that women can bring to Scouting?

Women empowering other women is so important in every environment but in particular an environment that is trying to progress such as Scouts. We can be big driving forces and advocates for healthy change in any Scouts and of course everyone sees things differently.

Who is your female ‘hero’?

My Mum is my hero. She has always encouraged me to be the best person I can be. She embodies everything that I hope to be.

Do you have any other ‘heroes’?

Heroes would be all the people that have ever encouraged me to do things whether it be in Scouting or my personal life. I have so many people that have supported me through my youth journey in Scouts to my now Adult Leader journey – to me they are all heroes.

Do you have a personal philosophy that motivates you?

Probably one that I have learnt through Scouting, but is relevant in all aspects of life – “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders” – Tom Peters.