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International Women’s Day

Julie Creed – TAS

For International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the stories of women in Scouting and the contribution they make to our movement. Julie Creed is one.



BC Youth Program, DC Kingborough District, Leader Trainer, Assistant Chief Commissioner


ACSL, CSL, AVL, ALT, LT, BCATD, Deputy Chief Commissioner, BC Venturers, Member APR Program Sub-Committee, NCYP, Vice Chair APR Program Sub-Committee, Member of the APR Consultancy Team, DC Huon District

What Brought You Into Scouting?

I joined Scouting as a 15 year old Guide wanting to gain my Cub Instructors badge.

What Keeps You In Scouting?

I continue to enjoy working with the many close friends I have made during my 50 years in Scouting, but I love sharing my Scouting knowledge with both Leaders and Scouting youth.

What’s the best thing you’ve done in Scouting?

Apart from the many wonderful experiences I’ve had in Scouting in Tasmania and the rest of Australia, I have enjoyed sharing many international experiences with our youth members. This has included the APR and World Youth Forums in particular, as well as Program Development workshops in Thailand and the Maldives.

Would you recommend Scouting to other women and why?

I think Scouting gives both men and women an incredible opportunity to work with youth members and to develop skills which they might not otherwise have. Scouting gives women the chance to become Leaders in the largest youth organisation in the world and to experience the many opportunities, both local and overseas, which are available. Scouting is also a great pathway for women to follow to gain personal achievement in Diploma courses across a wide range of areas.

What do you think is the most important thing that women can bring to Scouting?

I think women can bring a range of skills to Scouting which may not be as strong as in men – reasoning, consideration of risk, nurturing, caring, empathy and sensitivity.

What do you do in life outside of Scouting?

Outside Scouting I am very involved in many things –

  • I am the Secretary of the Rotary Club of Kingston (since 2010).
  • I was involved in the Home Economics Institute of Australia, where I was Treasurer for 10 years until we deregistered late last year.
  • I enjoy caravanning and we try to get away for 5-6 weeks every year to the mainland, although we didn’t manage it last year.

We spend time at our shack on the Tasman Peninsula, where I love to sit and read, do jigsaw puzzles, or just enjoy having the family down.

Who is your female ‘hero’?

Queen Elizabeth and Quentin Bryce – two amazing women who have done so much with their lives.

I also admire both Julia Gillard and Julie Bishop for the roles they have held in politics.

Do you have any other ‘heroes’?

Peter Blatch – a leader who gives 100% plus in what ever he does. He is the most dedicated, passionate and enthusiastic Scouting person I know – and he enthuses everyone around him.

Do you have a personal philosophy that motivates you?

To continue to maintain the passion and enthusiasm and to share my knowledge with others in Scouting – both Leaders and youth members alike.