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International Women’s Day

Phirooza Battiwalla – NSW

For International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the stories of women in Scouting and the contribution they make to our movement. Phirooza Battiwalla is one.



Cub Scout Leader, 1st Dural; Assistant Leader, Sydney North All Abilities Scout Group


Cub Scout Leader Normanhurst; CSL West Pennant Hills

What Brought You Into Scouting?

I was a Girl Guide in India; I joined Scouting for my children and have stayed with it because of the enjoyment and satisfaction I gain.

What Keeps You In Scouting?

I enjoy the challenges and seeing the youth members grow and develop and achieve their goals.

What’s the best thing you’ve done in Scouting?

I met Lady Baden-Powell when I was a very young Girl Guide in India and again at a Guide Jamboree.  She was a very impressive and inspirational woman and these memories have stayed with me.

Would you recommend Scouting to other women and why?

Absolutely! Scouting gives girls and women skills, friendships, confidence and leadership training.

What do you think is the most important thing that women can bring to Scouting?

Balance, empathy, inclusivity and professionalism.

What do you do in life outside of Scouting?

Family involvement and support with grandchildren; volunteer with Vision Australia; School Learning Support Officer (Teacher’s Aide).

Who is your female ‘hero’?

Mother Theresa of Calcutta, for her selfless work.   I had a chance meeting with her in 1985 and she gave me her rosary.

Do you have a personal philosophy that motivates you?

Providing service to God, Humankind and Nature.