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Uniform Shirt Review

Provide feedback on the current uniform styles  

We are seeking your input into the uniform varieties that are currently available


The option of wearing long-sleeved, lightweight navy blue shirts for both Youth and Adult members was introduced in 2020.
Scouts Australia currently produce 114 variations of uniform shirts, taking into account size and style.
Scouts Australia are seeking your input into the varieties that are currently available, and feedback on what Members value with regard to the styles, design and cost.
Please fill in the below survey to provide your input:
As part of this consultation, we are also running a colouring in competition with some guided questions for our younger youth members.  Prizes will be available to the winners picked from Joey Scout, Cub Scout and Scout entrants.  Scouts, Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts and Adult Leaders are encouraged to participate by filling in the survey where possible.

To enter the colouring in competition, please download the artwork and submit via the below link:


Uniform Review>

Upload completed activity sheets here.

Max. file size: 50 MB.

We invite all responses by 1st March 2023.

Thank you!