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Lord Baden-Powell Society

Dear Supporters and Scouting Community 

We hope that you had a nice festive break with family and friends.  

As we start the new year, we look forward to catching up on the last couple of years of minimal to non-existent fundraising activities. We started the Jamboree Appeal for 2022/2023 in November and so far, we have received a great response. If you did not manage to send your donation last year, please do continue to send them through in the coming months, until our next mailing due around April/May 2023. We thank all the supporters who have so far donated to the Jamboree Appeal. 


We also have some great news to share:


Because of this change, you might have experienced some delays in receiving confirmations of donations received, as well as Receipts. We will be fully functional with sending out receipts by the end of this month – so bear with us. We are so excited about this move as it was long overdue. We would also like to remind you to keep us informed of any changes in your circumstances and contact information details so that we do not lose touch with you, and it avoids important correspondence not reaching you. Thank you also to our members who are returning donation slips which also include hand-written contact details updates! 

We will be publishing and updating soon our Circle Counter on the website in relation to Jamboree donations received so far. 

Thank you to all once again who have sent their donations through, and please do encourage your fellow Scouting friends to join the Society as financial contributors.  

Stay safe and healthy. 

Rita  – Member Services 

Lord Baden-Powell Society