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Australia joins the WOSM Round Table

Chief Commissioner of Australia Phil Harrison headed to New York for the WOSM Round Table for CEOs of National Scout Organisations!


Phil Harrison participated in a roundtable meeting of Senior Leaders in New York in February 2023. Of the 15 invited representatives, 11 National Scout Organisations met to discuss the current WOSM Strategic Plan, and the development of the next strategy for Scouting. The event was hosted by the Boy Scouts of America at the Greater New York Councils’ office.


Scouts Australia were one of the 11 national bodies invited!

Topics for discussion included the role of a youth movement in a changing world, increasing the relevance of the educational programme of Scouting, fund raising and the mobilisation of resources, child protection and safeguarding, and best practices in supporting National Boards.


In particular, Phil shared learnings in the development, implementation and review of the current Scouts Australia strategic plan, and with the ongoing enhancement of safe from harm practices.