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Diploma of Project Management


Boost your professional credentials with a Diploma in Project Management 


Did you know that you have an opportunity to gain a nationally recognized qualification in project management through Scouts Australia Institute of Training (RTO No. 5443)?


The BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management is a qualification that can help you develop skills and knowledge in managing projects effectively. This can be particularly useful if you’re involved in planning and organizing major Scouting events. And the best part? You may be able to gain this qualification through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway, which recognizes your skills and experience gained through Scouting.


If you’re someone who has managed teams, developed project plans, and managed project risks through your involvement in Scouting, then you may be eligible to gain the diploma through the RPL pathway. All you need to do is provide evidence of your experience and skills, such as written documents, video recordings, or testimonies from fellow Scouts and community members.


Not only can the BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management help you enhance your leadership abilities, but it can also provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. This qualification is recognized across many industries and can open up doors to new career opportunities.


If you’re an experienced Scout Leader who has run or will be running major Scouting events, consider taking advantage of the opportunity to gain the BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management through Scouts Australia Institute of Training’s (RTO No. 5443) RPL pathway. This qualification can help you continue to make a positive impact in your community and enhance your skills as a leader!