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Plastic Free July

Scouts have been part of the Clean Up Australia campaign for many years now, but did you know that the team at Clean Up Australia Day have resources and campaigns that run year round?


Every small change makes a difference. Our waterways are being clogged with plastics, so whilst we can continue to ensure we dispose of plastics appropriately, and our annual efforts to clean up our local areas are greatly appreciated, reducing our reliance is even more impactful.
The team at Clean Up are challenging supporters to try ‘Plastic Free July’. Does that sound daunting? Transitioning to a completely plastic-free lifestyle overnight would be a challenging feat for most of us! But what if we all used July as a catalyst, and each took small steps towards reducing our plastic footprint? July could be a roadmap for year-round changes – we could make a real effort to actively seek alternatives, reduce unnecessary plastic packaging and make sustainable swaps. Remember, it’s all about starting small, and aiming big and there are 101 handy tips to get you started!
Remember, we also have the Tide Turners Plastics Challenge as part of the Earth Tribe package. Maybe your next aquatics, boating or paddling adventure can include a waterway clean-up effort. Resources are available from Clean Up Australia to support you and your Units to continue your contributions beyond our annual March campaign. Why not challenge yourself to minimise your plastics consumption and complete the Tide Turners Plastics Challenge in your upcoming program cycles!