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Your Pathway to Certificate II

in Outdoor Recreation


Scouting has always been jam-packed full of adventure, learning, and personal growth. For those who dream of embarking on a journey to earn the SIS20419 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation, your scouting experiences and adventures can pave the way.

The SIS20419 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation

The SIS20419 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation is a nationally recognized qualification designed for individuals who wish to work as an assistant outdoor activity leader, gaining skills in a range of outdoor settings. This certificate is not only a testament to your outdoor proficiency but also opens doors to various exciting career prospects and further qualifications.

Scouting as a Pathway

Scouts Australia offers a treasure trove of opportunities across the country that often align with the requirements of the SIS20419 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation. Here’s how your scouting journey can become the pathway to this qualification:

  • Outdoor Activities Galore: Scouting is synonymous with outdoor adventures. From hiking and camping to water sports and navigation, Scouts provides an ideal platform for you to engage in a diverse range of outdoor activities. These activities form the practical foundation of the certificate, allowing you to build crucial skills and gain firsthand experience.
  • Comprehensive Training: Scouts Australia places a strong emphasis on training and skill development. The training offered within Scouts often align with the competencies required for the SIS20419 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation. This means that as you progress through the program, you’ll be acquiring relevant skills and knowledge that can count towards your certificate.
  • Experienced Leaders: Within Scouts, you have the opportunity to learn from experienced leaders who are often well-versed in outdoor activities. Their mentorship and guidance can be invaluable in building your competence and confidence in outdoor settings.

By actively participating in outdoor activities, undergoing training, and documenting your progress within Scouts, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on a career in outdoor recreation or any other field that values outdoor skills and leadership. Scouts is not just an adventure; it’s a stepping stone to your future. Contact your Branch Office for more information about enrolling with the Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) (RTO No. 5443).