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Founders Day 2024

Dear Members of Scouts Australia,

I trust this letter finds you well, and filled with the spirit of adventure and camaraderie that defines our Scouting community.

On Founder’s Day – February 22, birthday of the first Lord Baden-Powell – I am honoured to serve you as Chief Commissioner of Scouts Australia. And to share a reflection on the importance of Scouting in today’s world.

Our Founder loved Africa. He served in South Africa, and chose to live in Kenya, where he died and was laid to rest in 1941.

So it’s relevant that I recently learned about a philosophy from Southern Africa called Ubuntu. Ubuntu has lessons for us. And in many ways we are already achieving them.

Ubuntu includes the belief all that humanity is bound together. It emphasises our interconnectedness, and I believe this resonates deeply with the values we hold dear in Scouting.

Ubuntu teaches us that our individual well-being is inseparable from the well-being of others. As Scouts, we embrace this philosophy, recognising that our journey toward growth, resilience, and a sense of purpose is a shared journey. Scouting today is more crucial than ever as we navigate through global challenges and uncertainties.

In our diverse world, the principles of Ubuntu may guide us to build bridges across differences, to foster understanding, tolerance, and unity. By instilling these values in ourselves and each other as Scouts, we empower one another to become responsible global citizens who contribute positively to our communities and beyond.

Put simply, we live our Promise.

The role of Scouting extends far beyond traditional outdoor adventures. It encompasses a broader vision of personal development, leadership, and service. Ubuntu urges us to foster a culture of inclusivity, where every Scout feels valued and respected. By embracing diversity, we enrich our collective experience, creating a vibrant tapestry of skills, perspectives, and backgrounds.

In 2024, let us reinforce the idea that each Scout is a vital thread in the fabric of our Scouting family. Through collaboration and mutual support, we can overcome challenges and achieve our best selves.

Ubuntu encourages us to lift each other up, recognising that the success of one strengthens the entire community.

As Scouts, we are not merely witnesses to change but active contributors to positive transformation. Our commitment to environmental stewardship, community service, and ethical leadership aligns seamlessly with the principles of Ubuntu. By living out these values, we inspire others and by doing this together, we create a better world.

In conclusion, let us embark on this new year with a renewed sense of purpose and unity. Together, we can create a vibrant, compassionate, and inclusive Scouting community that reflects the essence of Ubuntu.

As Chief Commissioner, I am proud to stand alongside each of you, knowing that our shared commitment to Scouting will continue to shape the future and make a lasting impact on the lives of countless others.

I look forward to meeting many of you throughout my term, especially at the upcoming Jamboree in Queensland in early 2025. 

Yours in Scouting,

Brendan Watson OAM 

Chief Commissioner Scouts Australia