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Lord Baden-Powell Society

Jamboree Appeal 2025

Our Goal still stands at $150,000 by December 2024.

Scouts Australia continues to offer youth focused programs that encourage young people to develop qualities such as self-reliance, discipline, high moral values, leadership, team building, and respect for each other and the environment.

Since 1984, Members of the Lord Baden-Powell Society have been instrumental in providing private financial support to help young Australians experience the benefits and joy of Scouting.

The Lord Baden-Powell Society (LBPS) is rallying donors around their goal to ensure every Australian Scout can access the transformational experiences like the next Australian Jamboree at Maryborough, Queensland in January 2025, irrespective of their financial background.

These Jamboree experiences, not only provide programs that can help young Scouts to develop their outdoor recreation skills and personal development, but also build their independence, confidence and social skills through a camping experience with Scouts from across the country.

Below is a sample of requests that reach our Branches on a daily basis across Australia. Help us support our Branches in supporting young Scouts’ families in need be able to send their children to major scouting activities, such as the Australian Jamboree.

“Dear Lord Baden-Powell Society

I am a single mother with only one income that supports our household of 3 children. Financially, we manage to break even by sticking to our budget and rarely splurging on non-essential items, however I don’t have much left at the end of each fortnightly pay.

My major financial commitment, is the mortgage repayment. Other expenses include school costs, household and Scouting equipment along with scouting activities…’’  

The priceless support of our Lord Baden-Powell Society’s financial Donors, helps shape young futures in many ways, by nourishing our future leaders, assisting children and young adults to realise their full potential, and helping to create the upstanding citizens of tomorrow.

Dusty Recount of Jamboree LBPS

“There’s nothing like ‘Being Prepared’ for what might seem possible, even if it may not seem probable.” – Lord Baden-Powell

A few words from the Chairman of the Lord Baden-Powell Society, Mr David W Jones AM. FCA.

‘’A Jamboree is a get-together of Scouts from all over Australia and overseas.  It is a time when young people of different cultures and backgrounds get to know one another, begin to understand how they can peacefully co-exist and build lasting friendships.  Often there is only one opportunity for a Scout to attend a Jamboree during their time as a Scout. 

At a Jamboree, Scouts are laying the groundwork for their own future.  So therefore, ‘Jamboree’ means so much more than the enriching experience of camping with others, making new friends, acquiring pen pals, swapping badges and learning new skills.  I was lucky enough to attend my first Jamboree at Wonga Park in Victoria in 1948 and still value friendships with people I met there. 

But there is down-side to this wonderful opportunity.  Some of the kids who would benefit most, cannot afford to attend, and that’s just not the Scouting way. 

I am saying this to you because you could help to make this dream come true for a young Scout from anywhere in Australia.  The cost of sending a Scout to a Jamboree these days is expensive and outside the reach of some Scouts and their struggling families. With a gift to the Lord Baden-Powell Society’s Jamboree Fund, you could help give a disadvantaged Scout a lifetime memory and experience that a Jamboree brings. 

Your donation today of $100, $200, or $500 will really make the difference tomorrow.  This fund is maintained by the Lord Baden-Powell Society and will be shared by Scouts from all States and Territories in Australia and your donation is tax deductible.”   

So please help a young Scout today! Ensure they get to create memories they will cherish for a lifetime. For more details on how to make a donation, please contact: LBPS at (02) 8440 5908 or email Rita at rita.cirardi@scouts.com.au.

Donate directly into the Lord Baden-Powell Society’s

Jamboree Fund Account

Direct Deposit:  BSB: 032 090   Acc: 67 6886   Reference: Your Name and Mobile Number so that we can identify you and get in touch with you to send a receipt.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you for your support!