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The Lord Baden Powell Society

– Bequest Appeal

The role of Scouting has in recent times become more relevant than ever before by educating our youth and preparing them for a wide array of life’s challenges.

The Lord Baden-Powell Society is proud of its 40-year history of providing for financially challenged Scouts, giving equal access for all to the opportunities only Scouting can provide.

We have great supporters who have followed us, and who continue to support us on our journey.

We hope that you will continue this journey with us into the future and beyond.

By leaving a Gift or including a Bequest in your Will to the Lord Baden-Powell Society, you can ensure the Society’s work continues to support access to Scouting for all Australians even after you have gone.

Please consider leaving a Gift or Bequest.

For more details, email us at lbps@scouts.com.au or speak with Rita on (02) 8440 5908. Alternatively you can discuss your wishes directly with your solicitor, and please use our legal wordings provided here.