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More for Our Youth Members

Recognising Youth Program Achievements towards Leader Training outcome

Scouts Australia is proud and excited to launch a new initiative for youth program participants. Youth program participants will now be able to have achievements obtained through Outdoor Adventure Skills recognised to obtain sign off for the Adult Training & Development Scouting Adventure course and for most Safe and Trained Participant Scouting Skills levels.

This will recognise the skills and knowledge gained through participation in the program to launch our youth members towards leadership in the outdoor skills areas of the National Adventurous Activities Framework. Members will still need to complete an activity Log (which can be recorded in Scouts | Terrain) and the relevant On Demand Learning modules.

On the Key Resources page at scouts.com.au you will be able to find the Scouting Adventure, Safe Participant, and Trained Participant – Youth Pathway Handbook which explains what is required for recognition. Youth members approaching their 18th birthday can seek recognition for the Scouting Adventure Course to be provided when they turn 18 years old. Scout section members and older members who hold the relevant Outdoor Adventure Skill stages can obtain the recognition for Safe Participant and Trained Participant activity areas. Of course, you can continue to complete courses or current skills pathways, but this program will provide an alternate pathway for members who are actively participating in the Outdoor Adventure Skill Stages.

Download a copy of the handbook from the button below and for more information on how to apply for recognition please contact your Branch training office.

Julia Miller Portrait IWD