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The Lord Baden-Powell Society

Christmas Wishes from the Chairman,

Lord Baden-Powell Society,

Mr David W Jones AM.

December 2024

Dear Supporters and Donors

As 2024 draws to a close, I want to thank you very much for your ongoing and generous support of Scouting in Australia. It has been another difficult and challenging time for families and charity organisations alike, however, with the financial help that has been received this year, the Society was able to distribute $89,500 to Scouts to enable them to attend the major scouting activities which took place in 2024, and for this we are very grateful to our regular Donors who helped us achieve this goal.

The Lord Baden-Powell Society was set up by Mr Geoff Lee in 1984, and this year marks 40 years since its inception. The Society’s long-term commitment to help families in need, has been made possible from the consistent support of our Donors.

With AJ2025 taking place in Queensland this coming January, we managed to raise and distribute another $120K to State Branches to support families, who asked for funding, to help their Scouts reach AJ2025.

We are happy to report that we received a great response from our October mailing being the last Jamboree Appeal for the year, contributing $22K to the bottom line of our Jamboree Fund account with which we can use to kick start the fundraising for the next Jamboree after January’s event.

The Lord Baden Powell Society looks forward to 2025 and beyond, and we feel confident that Scouting in Australia continues to provide a positive future for families who need it most with your generous help and support.

On behalf of myself and the Management Committee of the Lord Baden-Powell Society, we would like to wish you a happy and safe Christmas and all the very best for a prosperous and healthy New Year.

Mr David W Jones AM FCA AFAIM

Chairman of the

Lord Baden-Powell Society