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Child Safe Scouting

The safety and wellbeing of the young people in our care is our number one concern and priority. As a thriving, modern organisation, we strive to be vigilant in identifying and eradicating child abuse. Our policy is to report allegations of child abuse to police, and other child protection authorities.

If any such allegations are made, we report the allegations to the police and stand down any adults in respect of whom such allegations are made.

Child Protection and Scout Leaders

Scouts requires all adults applying to join the Association to satisfy Working with Children Check (WWCC) arrangements; consent to a Police and Character Check as well as undertake a suitability interview by a local community committee. For many years, all potential Scout Leaders have had to undertake a mandatory Police check.

All approved adult Leaders then receive comprehensive and ongoing training in dealing with children and the various aspects of Scouting. All adults must sign a document under which they agree to abide by a Code of Conduct, which incorporates important principles of Child Protection.

For more information see the Scouts Australia National Child Protection Policy.  In addition, each state and territory has formal policies dealing with child protection and inappropriate conduct or behaviour.

Reporting Abuse in Scouting

You may wish to talk to us about abuse that has happened in Scouting.  We want to make sure we make this easy for you, even if the abuse happened a long time ago.   We care about all our members, no matter when they were in the Movement.

Please ring our National General Manager on 02 8440 5901 or email to ngm@scouts.com.au  If for some reason the message goes to voicemail or to our reception, please leave a message starting with ‘I would like to talk to someone privately about what happened to someone I know at Scouts’ along with your name and contact number.   The call can then be returned to you on the same day, in a confidential environment, ensuring your privacy.

If the matter involves the safety of our youth members we will take immediate action.

The National Redress Scheme

Scouts Australia is participating in the National Redress Scheme launched by the Federal Government on 1 July 2018.

The National Redress Scheme was a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse held from 2012 to 2017.

Scouts Australia is committed to ensuring that all survivors of institutional child sexual abuse have access to the National Redress Scheme.

Scouts Australia believes that the Royal Commission has been an important step in making our community safer for young people.

Scouts Australia Child Protection Policy

The Scouts Australia Child Protection Policy was developed in conjunction with Child Wise, and is regularly reviewed.  In addition to this Policy, each Scouts Australia State or Territory Branch has formal policies dealing with child protection and inappropriate conduct or behaviour.   The Scouts Australia Child Protection Policy can be accessed here.

Find Out More

To find out more about Child Protection, contact your State or Territory Branch.