Advanced Diploma of Program Management
BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
The Advanced Diploma of Program Management reflects the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills, together with experience in program management across a range of enterprise and industry contexts. Individuals in Program Manager roles are responsible for managing or directing a program to achieve organisational objectives. A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager.
Individuals at this level use initiative and judgement to direct, plan, and lead a range of program functions, with accountability for personal and team outcomes within broad parameters. They use cognitive and communication skills to identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources and transfer their knowledge to others, and creative or conceptual skills to express ideas and perspectives or respond to complex problems.

Typical Scouting Pathway
The Advanced Diploma of Program Management is reflective of the roles and responsibilities of senior leadership positions within Scouts Australia. The learning associated with this qualification is beyond the Scouts Australia training for adult members, however the progression through adult training enables a scaffolded approach to gaining knowledge and skills over several years combined with application and further learning relevant to defined roles within the volunteer and paid leadership roles within Scouts Australia.
- Have at least eighteen (18) months Scouting experience. In particular, Commissioners: Adults in Region, State or National positions, supporting Scouting in Australia,
- Hold the Wood badge,
- Have completed a Diploma of Project Management or higher, or have two (2) years equivalent full-time relevant workplace experience in a senior operational or leadership role in an enterprise.
After completing your enrolment with the Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT), a SAIT assessor will be assigned to you and they will assess your evidence. They may ask for further evidence or have a conversation with you to gather further information about your experiences. After successfully completing your Recognition of Prior Learning assessment, you will receive an Advanced Diploma of Program Management (BSB60720).
Key Information and Resources
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Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) (RTO No. 5443)
Achieving the Qualification
The Advanced Diploma of Program Management can be achieved by following an adult Scouting pathway which includes achieving the Wood Badge and the Axe and Log awards and progressing into leadership roles that include the management of projects and progressing to managing a program of work that includes providing leadership and management to departments or portfolios that have their own project managers.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Assessment through SAIT is based on the provision of a portfolio of evidence and professional conversations may be used to attest to a competency or authenticate evidence provided. A portfolio of evidence may comprise of:
- Scout Portfolio (Youth program and adult supporter achievements)
- Completion of other Qualifications
- A Curriculum Vitae (CV/Resume) and third party referees
- RPL Toolkit
- Evidence against specific criteria for each unit of competency