Certificate IV in Coordination of Volunteer Programs
CHC44015 Certificate IV in Coordination of Volunteer Programs
The Certificate IV in Coordination of Volunteer Programs reflects the role of workers who are responsible for the coordination of volunteers within a program or organisation. Volunteer coordinators provide ongoing management and support to volunteers and are the main point of contact for volunteers.
At this level, workers will generally be autonomous and are required to supervise and lead volunteers in projects or teams. These workers may be employed in a range of industry sectors and in a complex, regularly changing context. Work may be in either a volunteer or paid capacity.

Typical Scouting Pathway
Experiences and learning received through participation in Scouting, aligns closely to the requirements of Certificate IV in Coordination of Volunteer Programs. Any member of Scouts Australia who has sufficient evidence can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Typical pathways that enables collection of valid evidence are;
- Completing your Wood Badge training program – Scouting Leadership, plus
- Your experiences providing leadership within a Scout group, or
- Consistently conducting large Region or Branch events, or
- Being a member of a national or international contingent leadership team.
After completing your enrolment with the Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT), an assessor will be assigned to you and they will assess your evidence. They may ask for further evidence or have a conversation with you to gather further information about your experiences. After successfully completing your Recognition of Prior Learning assessment, you will receive a Certificate IV in Coordination of Volunteer Programs (CHC44015).
Key Information and Resources
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Fill in a quick online form to have a representative from the SAIT Team to contact you to address your question or complaint.
Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) (RTO No. 5443)
Structure of the Qualification
An example of the Certificate IV in Coordination of Volunteer Programs that can be achieved by following the Scouting pathway of key achievements in the youth program or adult training may include the following units of competency:
- HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
- CHCDIV003 Manage and promote diversity
- CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships
- CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
- CHCVOL003 Recruit, induct and support volunteers
- CHCVOL004 Manage volunteer workforce development
- BSBLDR403 Lead team effectiveness
- BSBCMM412 Lead difficult conversations
- BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices
- BSBPEF402 Develop personal work priorities
- SITXMGT003 Manage projects

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Assessment through SAIT is based on the provision of a portfolio of evidence and professional conversations may be used to attest to a competency or authenticate evidence provided. A portfolio of evidence may comprise of:
- Scout Portfolio (Youth program achievements or adult training and volunteer experiences)
- Completion of other Qualifications
- A Curriculum Vitae (CV/Resume) and third party referees
- Evidence against specific criteria for each unit of competency