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2025 is the year to get outside for new adventures! We’re encouraging every Unit to support its members to build their Outdoor Adventure Skills through fun and challenging activities across the year.

#OutsideIn25 is a challenge for everyone – from Joey Scouts to Rover Scouts – to enjoy more outdoor adventure. What will your Unit get up to in the great outdoors in 2025?

In keeping with the Scout Method, nature is our main setting for learning. Doing activities outdoors encourages young people’s natural sense of curiosity, builds positive physical and mental health, and creates a stronger connection with the environment.

Outdoor Adventure Skills, offered to young people of all ages, provide members with the opportunity to experience and pursue fun activities in the outdoors. They enable young people to develop basic skills across a range of activities and progress through to higher stages in any of the nine skill areas.

Whether it’s including more outdoor nights in your Unit program, challenging yourself to complete different OAS progressions, or planning a big adventure for your Patrol to look forward to, our aim is to get young people trying new things in the outdoors this year!

The Bucket List Challenge

As a Unit, use the #OutsideIn25 bucket list to come up with 10 exciting outdoor adventures you plan to complete in 2025.

The adventures could be big (like a trip that takes lots of time and effort to organise) or small (like an activity you can do on a Unit night) – and everything in between. Most importantly, they should be fun, adventurous, challenging and inclusive for your Unit’s members!

When filling out the bucket list as a Unit, plan your outdoor activities by asking questions like:

  • What adventures have members of our Unit always wanted to do?
  • What OAS areas haven’t we tried before?
  • How can we challenge ourselves to extend our comfort zones?
  • What’s a big adventure we can include in our long-term programming?

Share your stories

When sharing your outdoor activities on social media, use the #OutsideIn25 hashtag in your posts. Let’s inspire other Scouts with the new adventures to be enjoyed and the new skills to be learnt in the outdoors.

The year to upskill

For adult volunteers, #OutsideIn25 is an opportunity to upskill in one of our adventurous activities streams. In every state and territory, training is on offer to give Leaders the knowledge and experience to deliver our specialist Outdoor Adventure Skills safely.

2025 is the year you’ve been waiting for to participate in an adventurous activities course or get recognised for your existing skills. This means you can create and enjoy more outdoor experiences with our young people!

Meanwhile, work is underway behind the scenes to scale up adventure participation by giving our people the tools, clarity and confidence to deliver more adventurous youth program.

Go further

Need funding support?

Apply for funding to support your next adventure

Be recognised

Get qualifications through your activities

Staying safe

Ensure you are staying safe in the outdoors – check out our policies and procedures