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Scouts Australia Institute of Training

Evidence for SAIT Qualifications

The Scouts Australia Institute of Training (RTO: 5443), assists youth and adults in achieving industry recognised qualifications. But what evidence is required for Recognition of Prior Learning?


Qualifications and Statements of Attainment are awarded at no cost to members of Scouting. These are issued through recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfer. Typically, the evidence an assessor wants to see copies of is different for youth and adult members.

Youth members participate in the Scouts Australia youth program which provides experiential learning over three (3) or more years and your assessor will need to see your records of progression that show what badges you have achieved and what you did to achieve those badges. Photos, videos, outdoor adventure logbooks and copies of other certificates and documents you have created as part of your Scouting experiences are all useful pieces of evidence to make gaining a qualification easier.

Adult members participate in a defined training curriculum which is designed to develop skills and knowledge in an efficient time so that you can support the youth program. Completion of e-Learning, practical courses and on-the–job training are all used as part of the evidence towards qualifications. Other evidence may include your personal resume and tasks you complete elsewhere such as your workplace.

If you have completed relevant components of the youth program or adult training and development and would like to seek, through a RPL process, externally accredited qualifications, please go to training.scouts.com.au for further details.