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Scouts Australia Institute of Training

Getting Qualified, What is Authenticity?

Scouts Australia, through its registered training organisation (RTO: 5443), can recognise prior learning when working towards qualifications. But what does “authenticity” mean?

When you are completing Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), one of the key requirements that your assessor needs to verify is that the evidence provided is authentic. But what does this really mean?

  • Your Assessor is making a decision about your level of competency, not someone else.
  • The evidence you provide is your own.
  • It is not expected that you do everything yourself because in Scouting and in workplaces we typically work in small teams.
  • If the evidence being provided was worked on with others then you should identify that, which may mean your assessor will want to clarify how much was your work.
  • When required to verify authenticity, Assessors commonly contact either yourself or other people you have identified to discuss the evidence that was submitted.
  • The Assessors for the Scouts Australia Institute of Training can assist you to match the evidence you have against the required skills and knowledge.

To find out how you can convert your experience to industry recognised qualifications, visit Scouts Australia Institute of Training.