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Understanding Diversity

Online Indigenous Cultural Awareness Course

The ANZ Bank, in collaboration with Reconciliation Australia, has developed an engaging online module to help build Indigenous Cultural Awareness. They have generously made it available to the public, and we encourage you to check it out.

During the half hour online module, you will learn more about some history and considerations around indigenous cultural interactions, including some useful tips on how to connect with indigenous people in your local community. While written for ANZ employees, the videos and information is just as applicable for your Scout group and daily life. The content is also useful when considering your interactions with other cultural groups.

Please visit indigenousculturalawareness.anz.com to try the module yourself – you could even consider using it as part of a training session for your next section council, Group council, Wandarrah, Seeonee, Mindari, DVC/Zone or Rover Community meeting. For more information, please contact the Diversity & Inclusion lead in your Branch; if unsure of your Branch contact email sustainability@scouts.com.au. 


Considering our Indigenous Communities

Through a ‘Welcome to Country’ or ‘Acknowledgement of Country’ protocol at the start of our meetings, we can build mutual respect and share greater understanding of cultures. Using these protocols is a way of acknowledging and respecting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members, supporters and communities.

While the Welcome to Country is done by a traditional owner from the country you are meeting on, the Acknowledgement of Country (also known as Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners) can be done by any one who is not a traditional owner for that country (whether Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australians, or non-Indigenous Australians). It’s easy and simple – there are many examples online you can draw from, or contact the relevant Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisation in your state or community for suggestions.