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Helping The Less Fortunate

NSW Chief Commissioner Raises $100,000 For Homeless

Neville Tomkins OAM JP, Chief Commissioner Scouts NSW, has endured his ninth chilly night sleeping outside for the homeless in the St Vincent de Paul CEO sleepout.


Earlier in June, Scouts NSW Chief Commissioner Neville Tomkins OAM JP braved his ninth consecutive St Vincent de Paul CEO sleepout, this time raising over $100,000 for the homeless and vulnerable. In a chilly hanger at Canberra Airport, Neville once again swapped to a cardboard mattress to experience the struggles of those without a proper roof over their head.  

Upon reaching the $100,000 milestone, Chief Commissioner of Scouts Australia, Phil Harrison, congratulated Neville on his dedication and commitment to supporting the less fortunate. “Neville’s efforts in supporting our community are a clear example of the Scouting values in practice. As Scouts, we’re helping to create a better world. By providing our support to those who struggle to afford rent, food, or access to essential health services, we’re ensuring our least fortunate are not left behind.”

Photo: Riot Act.