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Adult Training & Development

On Demand Training Platform Launch

September 9th 2020 marks the start of a fresh look for adult training. From now on, training is available on demand, ready for when you are!

Prior to the launch of our youth program in January 2019, development was underway on a new Adult Training and Development curriculum to support One Program, One Journey.

Today we launch new elements of that curriculum which will bring us closer to One Program, One Journey, One Curriculum for all youth program leaders in Scouting.

On Demand Learning is a new approach to eLearning which we first released in 2011 providing more bite size pieces for everyone. For all youth program leaders, also known as Leaders of Youth, there are 4 On Demand Learning sections with three linked to practical courses providing the opportunity to build on the On Demand knowledge with other youth program leaders across multiple sections.

  • Scouting Preliminary
  • Scouting Essentials (supported by a practical course and the On The Job Plan> Milestone) – new modules to be released in coming months
  • Scouting Adventure (supported by a practical course and the On The Job Do> Milestone)
  • Scouting Leadership (supported by a practical course, the On The Job Review> Milestone, and the Wood Badge Project and Assessment) – new modules to be released in coming months

If your current learning pathway is aligned to old section based eLearning modules, they will remain available for you until the end of the year. Your Personal Leader Advisor should be your first reference point to check on your learning pathway.

Login to training.scouts.com.au to see what’s new and keep coming back to see what’s new each month.