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Lord Baden-Powell Society funded the OneCamp Experience


The Lord Baden-Powell Society would like to share with you the Field Report received from one of our youngest Joeys, Jamie – as we continue to fund-raise for our major events, including the upcoming AJ2025.

It takes a lot of effort to put these reports together which, when we are reading them, truly give us an insight into the Youth Members’ experience.

The Lord Baden-Powell Society supported many young Scouts across all Sections so that they could attend the OneCamp event which took place in WA last year. Here is a snippet of what young Jamie got up to.

OneCamp Eclipse WA – 11-19 April 2023

What I did at Camp

Field:  The Commando Course

We went to the Challenge Zone and we had to do the commando course. It was intense.

Field:  The Amazing Race

The first stop was at Yagan Square.  We wanted to go to the museum but we didn’t know where it was so we went wondering around.

We finally found the museum and it was based on Alice in Wonder Land.

After the museum, we went on the ferry to the mini water park.

Market Day

On market day most Units joined in, but our unit did loom bands. There were also necklaces, woggles, bracelets and, the other type of loom bands were the braided ones that had three layers.


At camp we had to help cooking food. Most people helped and it was pretty hard but we did it at the end it was worth it!

Ice Cream!

At OneCamp they were going to buy 800 ice creams but, they accidentally pressed another ‘’0’’ that meant that there were 8000 in total so we had to eat the whole lot! Sadly, we didn’t finish it.

Mountain Ice Sledding

On a hill, we used some sort of mat, then they put ice on it and then they grabbed a few sleds and helmets so we could slide down the hill safely. It was super fun!

Mountain Rock Climbing

We had a truck that came in carrying a climbing wall for us to climb but sadly I didn’t get a chance to do it but, I can do it next time!


In conclusion this is the best great camp experience ever.

I learned lots of skills and did so many new activities. I made lots of new friends and explored the city of Perth. Thanks to OneCamp organisers providing me financial support to make this trip possible. I would like to participate in the future event when the opportunity comes around again. Any financial support would be appreciated so thank you Lord Baden-Powell Society.

If you would like to make a donation to Lord Baden Powell Society to help fund youth member attending future Scouting events, please click the link below to make a donation. Your donation can help make a difference for another Scout.

More photos from Jamie at OneCamp WA 2023