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Kenmore Venturer Scouts adventure to volcanoes and dragrons in Indonesia

Venturer Scouts from Kenmore, Queensland have recently returned from their Leadership Through Adventure Fund (LTAF) adventure to Indonesia.  Highlights included travelling to Lombok, climbing Mt Rinjani an active volcano, seeing Komodo dragons, snorkelling and a visit to Jambianom where they spent time with the local Scouts in the village.

Xavier, the expedition leader and LTAF ambassador reports, “On arriving in Lombok, representatives from the village were at the harbour to greet us and then take us back to the village, where the local leader and many of the village youth were there to greet us.  What an amazing experience, everybody was so welcoming and opened their village to us”.

The following day we were visited by about 40 Pramuka Youth and Leaders, which was fantastic (probably arguably the best day of our expedition).  There was lots of scarf swapping, badge swapping, laughing and just “hanging out” together.  Although our Indonesian wasn’t the greatest and they couldn’t speak great English, everybody seemed to bond and had a great time together.

“This Sixteen-day friendship tour across Indonesia from Bali to Flores, have pushed ourselves both physically and mentally on Mt Rinjani, we have experienced and participated in a different culture in Jambianom, increased our personal resilience throughout the journey and importantly developed our leadership skills through the planning, do”ing” and experiences we gained in Indonesia.”

We spent the morning with the Scouts and they took us to the local markets and showed us around.  Before they left there was a few speeches and I feel the experience was best summed up by one of the Venturer Scout (LTAF Ambassador) from Kenmore, Queensland.

“The experience today was amazing, this type of experience you could not get being a normal tourist, you could only get this experience through Scouts.”    – LTAF Ambassador

“Scouts bring people together from a different culture and people together that you’ve never met before, but within minutes you are laughing and feel like friends.  Scouts breaks down barriers and brings us together”.  Thanks to Dick and Pip Smith Leadership Through Adventure Fund for making this possible.

If you envision your next outdoor expedition as a catalyst for personal growth and leadership development, explore how the LTAF can elevate your experience, find out more about LTAF application process and click below button to sumbit your application.

More photos of Kenmore Venturer Scouts adventure in Indonesia.

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