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Governor-General’s Camp 2024

2000 Scouts Made History Camping in the Governor-General’s Backyard

For the first time ever, The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and Chief Scout of Australia, and Mrs. Linda Hurley opened the doors of Government House to welcome more than 1400 youth members and 600 adult volunteers,  for a six-day camp in April.

The camp was a shining example of the unique adventures that Scouting provides it’s youth members with.  Scouts from all sections, aged 5-25, camped together in the one spot.  This camp provided opportunities for all Scouts to step out of their comfort zones. Camp Director Jon Willis said, “The camp was established to allow Scouts to immerse themselves in team-building activities and forge lifelong friendships with fellow Scouts from all over the country.”

When asked why he comes to events like this, Scouts Australia Youth Ambassador Lincoln explained, “What I love most about Scouts is the chance to connect with people. This camp gave me a chance to reconnect with people I’ve met at other Scouting events, as well as opportunities to make new friends. I had never been to Canberra, and to camp in this incredible setting was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

During the week, luck was on our side! Blessed with beautiful sunny Canberra autumn weather, the camp ran smoothly, allowing Scouts to enjoy a range of activities and expeditions hosted throughout the ACT that they might not normally have access to.

All programs and activities were aligned to our program areas, with a heavy emphasis on Outdoor Adventure Skills, such as abseiling, kayaking, mountain biking, and bushwalking. Others were based on Special Interest Areas, such as water watching, cooking with campfires, Aboriginal-inspired dot painting, and expeditions to Questacon, the Australian War Memorial, and Parliament House.

Brendan Watson OAM, Chief Commissioner of Scouts Australia said, “Camps like this have a positive effect on all participants, enabling them to achieve real learning outcomes whilst enshrining an adventurous, fun, challenging, and inclusive program.”

The event also attracted our friends from parliament, who visited and experienced some hands-on Scouting. You can read more about their visit here.

The Governor-General’s Camp 2024 was a success, and was supported by a large group of volunteers who contributed their time and effort to make this camp happen. A big and special thank you to our GG’s Camp team who dedicated themselves to supporting the camp in all aspects.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank His Excellency David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia and Chief Scout of Australia, and Mrs. Linda Hurley for hosting the camp and their continuous involvement in Scouting.

We would also like to thank the Lord Baden-Powell Society donors  who financially supported $36,000 to youth members attending the camp.

If you missed the GG’s Camp 2024, the next Australian Jamboree will be held in Maryborough, Queensland, from January 6-15, 2025.

We can’t wait to see you there, where Scouts across the country will join together, as they explore, learn, and grow. The path ahead is filled with endless possibilities. Embark on your journey!

Click below image to view GG’s Camp 2024 video