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Lord Baden-Powell Society

Memorable KISC100 experience

The Lord Baden-Powell Society provided $37,500 to support young Scouts in attending the KISC100 Centenary Camp, held at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland in July 2023. This funding enabled Scouts to participate in the special event celebrating 100 years of Scouting at KISC, fostering international connections and offering unique experiences in line with the values of the Scouting movement.

The KISC100 Centenary Camp, held at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland, celebrated 100 years of Scouting history, bringing together over 1,600 Scouts from around the world. With $37,500 in support from the Lord Baden-Powell Society (LBPS), 250 Australian Scouts were able to be part of this incredible event, creating lifelong memories and gaining invaluable experiences.

Mackenzie, one of the Venturer Scouts, was initially concerned she wouldn’t be able to tackle the challenging hikes in the Swiss Alps. However, she pushed through her fears, creating a cherished memory that will stay with her forever. 

“The hike was tough, but with my mates by my side, I felt unstoppable. Reaching the top and seeing the view of the Alps is something I’ll never forget.” – Mackenzie shared.

Another highlight for Mackenzie was meeting Scouts from all over the world. Even a year later, she remains in touch with friends she made in Scotland and Ireland, showing how these international connections can stand the test of time.

Georgia, a Rover Scout from Queensland, took on the role of Deputy Contingent Leader, playing a critical part in organizing the trip and leading the team on the ground. She gained valuable skills and experiences that few other opportunities could provide. “International Scouting has opened up doors to a whole new world for me,” she said. “Working with Lisa, our Contingent Leader, I learnt so much about leadership and teamwork. I’ve since taken these lessons to roles at the New Zealand Jamboree, New Zealand Moot, and events within Queensland.”

Samuel, a Rover Scout from Victoria, served on the organising committee as the Youth Lead for Admin and Finance. “Being part of the organising committee gave me hands-on experience in managing complex logistics and financial planning,” he said. “It’s not something you get to do every day, and it’s set me up for bigger roles in and outside of Scouting.” The trip provided him with the chance to sharpen his project management and leadership skills, while connecting with Scouts globally and contributing to the successful delivery of this major international event.

Scouts Australia International Commissioner – Lisa Picking, Contingent Leader, reflected on the challenges of organising the event during uncertain times: “When we began planning in the midst of the 2019-2020 lockdowns, we were unsure if this trip would ever happen. But we looked to the future with hope. The team was fantastic, and having youth involved in every organising aspect gave true ‘learning by doing’ experiences under the guidance of adult Leaders. Each Scout represented Australia proudly, and seeing our young people experience the magic of Kandersteg—a place I call my second home—during the centenary was truly unforgettable.”

Throughout the camp, the Scouts had the opportunity to experience a range of activities that showcased the best of what Kandersteg has to offer. They hiked through the stunning Swiss Alps, explored the picturesque Oeschinensee Lake, rock climbed on iconic alpine cliffs, and even visited local cheese makers to learn about the region’s culture and history—complete with tastings! Scouts also explored neighbouring towns, embracing the local customs, and enjoying cultural exchanges with other international participants.

The funding from LBPS enabled all the youth like Mackenzie, Georgia, and Samuel to push beyond their limits, gain new perspectives, and experience the global nature of Scouting.

The support ensured that Australian youth could connect with others from around the world, share their Scouting journey, and bring back valuable experiences to their local Groups and communities. The learnings and memories from this camp will continue to inspire them for years to come.

The Lord Baden-Powell Society (LBPS) would like to support even more Scouts like Samuel and Georgia to attend the upcoming National and International Jamborees. Without the support and our generous donors, LBPS would not be able to allocate funds to help Australian Scouts attend such exciting camp experiences.

So please help a young Scout today! Ensure they get to create memories they will cherish for a lifetime. For more details on how to make a donation, please contact: LBPS at (02) 8440 5908 or email Rita at rita.cirardi@scouts.com.au or click  below button to make your donate to the Lord Baden-Powell Society.

View below photo gallery for more photos from Australian Contingent at KISC100 – July 2023