Be prepared for adventure
Within the community and the outdoors, Scouting is the values-driven youth leadership program for Australia. With over 65,000 members, Scouts Australia provides leadership opportunities from age 5 to 25 through a program that is adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive.
Since its early beginning in 1907, Scouting has evolved into a global movement of 57 million people, building a world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. Scouting is recognised by UNESCO as the world’s largest provider of non-formal education to young people.
We value the diversity of our members.
Everyone is welcome.

Our Program and organisation
From age 5 to 25, our program focuses on personal progression: a learning journey that challenges the individual to do their best through a wide range of experiences and adventures. In 2019, we overhauled our program to better meet the needs of a changing society.
Research from Resilient Youth Australia has shown that Australian Scouts are more resilient, inclusive, and optimistic than their peers. British research has also found that former Scouts have better mental health outcomes including up to 50 years after they were Scouts.

A Global, Diverse and Inclusive Organisation
Scouting is the world’s leading educational youth movement, comprising 57 million young people in more than 200 countries.
In Australia, we celebrate the diversity of our organisation. 50 years ago, in 1973, we welcomed girls and women into Scouting, and now 38% of our membership is female.
Our 1200 Scout Groups across Australia aspire to represent the characteristics of their local population, and in recent decades this has included groups in migrant and refugee communities.

Scouts support climate action
Scouts have always believed in putting nature first – part of our Scout Law is to care for the environment that we enjoy while camping, hiking and adventuring.
All around the world, scouts are leaders in sustainability and climate action. In Australia, our members have told us that climate change is the most important issue to them. We are committed to helping our members make their voices heard, and we use our position to talk to decision-makers about what is important to young people in Australia.

Scouts Australia Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Scouts Australia values and recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and heritage as a proud part of a shared national identity. We are grateful to do our Scouting on this country, but we know Country means so much more in the hearts of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Our Western Australian branch has recently published a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) covering our activities in WA, and Scouts Australia has embarked on the development of a nation-wide RAP.
The 26th Australian Jamboree (AJ2025)
The next Australian Jamboree (AJ2025) will be held at Maryborough, Queensland between the 6th and the 15th of January 2025.
Australian Jamborees occur every four years, where around ten thousand Scouts from across Australia meet together for an unforgettable camp full of incredible activities, new challenges and endless opportunities to make lifelong friends.
Governor-General’s Camp 2024
For the first time ever, in April 2024, the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) and Mrs. Linda Hurley opened the doors of Government House to welcome more than 2,000 Scouts for a six-day camp.
The camp was an example of the unique adventures that Scouting provides to its youth members. Scouts from all sections, ages 5 to 25, camped together in one location at Government House. The camp provided opportunities for all Scouts to step out of their comfort zones, immerse themselves in team-building activities and forge lifelong friendships with fellow Scouts from all over the country.