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Independent Travel

After much consideration and deliberation, we are excited to announce that the KISC100 Contingent will be offering an independent travel option.  The granting of independent travel will be on a case by case basis and subject to the needs of the contingent and the conditions outlined below:

  • Participants wanting to travel independently of the Contingent must be 18 years of age or over.
  • Participants wanting to travel independently must meet the Contingent at Kandersteg International Scout Centre, Switzerland on the day the Contingent arrives (2 July 2023) and leave the contingent from Kandersteg International Scout Centre, Switzerland on the day the Contingent leaves (12 July 2023).
  • The Contingent accepts no responsibility for those nominated independent travellers outside those dates.
  • No transfers are included.


You can contact the Contingent Team on kisc100@team.scouts.com.au to enquire about independent travel.