Born after 27 December 2008 (i.e. not have had your 15th birthday).
Be an invested Scout and have completed Outdoor Adventure Skills Camping Stage 4 prior to departure.
Have completed a minimum of ten (10) nights camping in a tent within Scouting, with at least three (3) of them consecutive.
Must be recommended as suitable to attend by your Scout Leader and Group Leader, and be approved by the Contingent Leader and your Branch Headquarters.
Venturer Scout
Born between 16 January 2006 and 27 December 2008 inclusive (i.e. minimum age 15 years and not have had your 18th birthday).
Be an invested Venturer Scout and have completed Outdoor Adventure Skills Camping Stage 4 prior to departure.
Have completed a minimum of ten (10) nights camping in a tent within Scouting, with at least three (3) of them consecutive.
Must be recommended as suitable to attend by your Venturer Scout Leader and Group Leader, and be approved by the Contingent Leader and your Branch Headquarters.
Adult Line Leaders
Be a registered member of your Branch as a Rover Scout, Adult Leader or Fellowship Member.
Must be recommended as suitable to attend by your Group Leader or next appropriate level of Commissioner, and be approved by the Contingent Leader and your Branch Headquarters.
Adult members may be selected to meet required quotas as prescribed by the 23rd New Zealand Jamboree Organising Committee.