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November Update

The Australian Contingent to WSJ2023 has applications open now! As of the 1st of November, we’ve received 490 applicants to the event already! Applications are open until the 31st of January, but it’s important to secure your spot by paying your deposit as soon as possible. We encourage everyone to register for this event, as it will be the best travel experience for everyone.

On the 10th of November, we are holding our second live stream to answer your questions. Whatever question is on your mind that you are unsure of, we will do our best to answer it within this livestream! We encourage you to take the time to ask us your questions, so we can build your confidence in us that this event will be phenomenal. Find out more at https://scouts.com.au/blog/2021/10/29/wsj2023-qa-livestream/

Whether you are a leader, a rover or a participant, you will be given the opportunity to experience cultures from around the world while camping in the beautiful SaeManGeum campsite. This opportunity only presents itself once every four years, but you’ll never experience the same place twice. The teams over in South Korea have shaped this event to look phenomenal! With experiences of adventure, eating food and being a Scout, this will be one of the best World Jamborees yet.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!