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WSJ2023 Newsletters

Welcome to our Newsletter page. We will be posting all our Newsletters here for you in one convenient place. If you have any questions, please reach out to admin@wsj2023.scouts.com.au

Newsletter 1


We are pleased to advise that our 1st Newsletter has been published. This newsletter includes a lot of information about the contingent, and the Post Tour and is very important that everyone reads through it in detail. It may even be useful to print it out.

Newsletter 2


We are pleased to advise that our 2nd Newsletter has been published. This newsletter includes a lot of information about the Contingent, Passports, Visas, Contingent Merchandise and Patrol Allocations. It is very important that everyone reads through it in detail.

Newsletter 3a


We are pleased to advise that our 3rd Newsletter – Part A has been published. This newsletter includes an important message from the Contingent Leader, The Units, How to Access Workplace, Flight Updates and Payment Scheduled. It is very important that everyone reads through it in detail. Please ensure you read it in full.

Newsletter 3b


This newsletter includes a lot of information about the Final Payment, Applying for your K-ETA or Visa, Uploading a Copy of your Passport and much more.

Newsletter 4


We are pleased to advise that our 4th Newsletter has been published. The team has been working extra hard since January and there only 118 days are left until the first plane leaves for the Jamboree. The newsletter highlights several key milestones including the arrival of Akubra hats and Contingent Shirts and merchandise deliveries. 

Newsletter 5


We are pleased to advise that our 5th and Final Newsletter has been published. The last one before we head off to Korea.